Our Services

Celebrating the positive values we share


Our welcoming, inclusive services are currently held in person once a month (on the third Sundays) at 4pm. We also hold online Zoom services on the 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays of the month at 4pm. (Details are available from the minister).


We understand ‘worship’ according to the verb’s original Old English meaning – to recognise worth. In this sense, ‘worship’ is something everybody already does – albeit usually unconsciously. The question for us all then becomes not “Should we worship?” but “What should we worship?”

Not everyone these days believes in God as traditionally understood but almost all of us recognise a natural desire to celebrate what is good about life, humanity and the Earth we share. Most people also know that human encounter is preferable to a life of isolation. Our Sunday gatherings are therefore a celebration of community and the meanings we find.

Services follow what may seem at first glance a fairly typical ‘Nonconformist’ format with prayers/words for reflection, hymns and readings plus a talk from the person leading – usually our minister. Readings chosen are drawn not only from the Bible but from any source that is found to be meaningful – poetry, literature, non-fiction, or even the scriptures of other world faiths. This reflects the Unitarian conviction that truth comes from many sources – including of course our own personal experience.

A less familiar feature of the service is the lighting of a chalice flame at the beginning of each gathering. The flaming chalice is the internationally-recognised symbol of the Unitarian movement – the flame representing the light of truth, and the chalice representing the communal dimension.

As a non-dogmatic community, the intention is to help each person deepen their own faith in Life/God/Spirit according to their own best understanding. Our evolving tradition is therefore not a straightjacket but something that is free to change and develop.

Our services celebrate the positive values we share rather than requiring those present to conform to a creed.

coming up soon …

Our Minister:

Meet our Minister, Rev. Matthew Smith

The Rev. Matthew Smith became our Minister in October 2014 having previously worked as Information Officer at Unitarian Headquarters in London for fourteen years before a stint in local government.

Where we meet:

Our Unitarian Meeting House | Chapel

We welcome you to enjoy this beautiful historic space which has been a place of quiet reflection and celebration for centuries.


Rites of Passage:

Weddings, Naming Ceremonies & Funerals

We perform personalised wedding ceremonies, including same-sex couples, naming ceremonies and funerals with a special gathering of friends and family.



Please click on the links below to download an MP3 audio file. These are all recordings from our Chapel.

Thoughts on Pain (reflecting ideas of Eckhart Tolle)

by Matt Smith | 26 Feb 2017

How should I know? (I'm only the minister)

by Matt Smith | 12 March 2017

Is Individualism enough? Part 1

by R.W. Emerson's message for today | 14 February

Is Individualism enough? Part 2

by R.W. Emerson's message for today | 14 February

John Goodwyn Barmby - Suffolk Radical and Unitarian

by Matthew Smith | 25 October 2015

The Arc of History & marks on our laundry (James Reeb & Martin Luther King)

by Matt Smith | 8 February 2015

A Cross or a Dove? Early Christians & Paradise

by Matt Smith | 8 March 2015

Grateful is more than thankful?

by Matthew Smith | 24 January

Gas, Fizz & Freedom

by Lessons from Joseph Priestley | 13 March

Religion is a love story

by Matt Smith | 22 February 2015


We are currently seeking to develop a Friends of the Meeting House scheme.

If you would like further information, please contact the current minister, Rev. Matthew Smith

Email: minister@framlingham-unitarians.org